Why you should consider a water filter for your home

Having safe drinking water on tap is one of the benefits of civilisation, but it makes sense to install a water filtration system to further improve the quality of the water. Here are some of the reasons why.


Tap water should be safe to drink, but it may still have picked up contaminants such as protozoa or bacteria and may contain chemicals such as pesticides that have leached into the water supply from the fields. There may also be chlorine and disinfectants left in the water — this is to try to keep the disinfectant effect in your pipes and stop it picking up contaminants on the way, but it can pose its own health risks. A home filtering system should remove these problems and ensure that your drinking water has no ill effects.

Taste and appearance

Water should be attractive and clear and should not have a disinfectant aftertaste. If you find it unpleasant, you are unlikely to drink the amounts you need for your health. Water with a bad aftertaste will also affect the flavour of any tea or coffee you make from it — there is no point spending money on specialist drinks if the water will alter the flavour. A filtering system will ensure that drinking a glass of tap water becomes a truly enjoyable experience.


Home water filter systems are a cheap option for making your tap water safer — especially when compared to the other main option, bottled spring water. A filter may only need to be replaced every year, and replacement can usually be done without the need of a plumber. Regularly buying bottled water, on the other hand, can be a cost that will soon mount up.. A home system will allow you to keep using your tap water with only a small extra expense.


Filtered water can also be good for your pipes and household appliances. Chlorine and hard water can lead to a build-up of limescale in your kettle, dishwasher, washing machine and anything else that uses water. This can lead to inefficiency and an increase in running costs, especially in your hot water system. Using filtered water will ensure that your household appliances and systems run as efficiently as possible.

A home water filter is the smart way to ensure that your tap water is as clean and healthy as possible and that your home is running efficiently.
